Students' Stories
NPC members submitted photos to be interpreted by students in a Tennessee elementary school (Fourth grade and fifth grade)
Here is each photo followed by a Student's interpretation of that photo
Here is each photo followed by a Student's interpretation of that photo
The following stories were written by fourth graders
photo by brent wright
photo by claudia richardson
photo by dallas albritton
photo by dan brown
Photo by Diane Burgett
photo by didi foster
photo by elizabeth stead
photo by ken langley
photo by Kimberly manson
photo by mark rutledge
photo by pat hollander
photo by roger pruitt
photo by shelly rosenberg
photo by tammy elliott
photo by terri Swann
photo by trudy wright
photo by wayne wilkerson
photo by bob Ellis
photo by dana barrett
story about friendship
photo by ed carr (note two stories below)
photo by Emily helms
photo by frank hayes (note two stories below)
photo by jeanette ellis (note two poems below)
photo by kenna dossett
photo by laurie gibbs
Photo by lisa kemmer (note two stories below)
Photo by louann dyer
Photo by steve brenner
photo by susan hay
photo by tom vincent