How to shoot for a Charity
Shoot Preparation
Please Arrive on time
Get Assignment from the leader
Try to let the leader know when you leave
Post Shoot
How to Upload your images
Use WeTransfer.
Show the destination as (the exhibit leader's email address)
- Charge Batteries
- Pack Equipment
- Flash
- Extra Batteries
- Extra Memory Cards
- Lenses
- Comfortable Camera Strap
Please Arrive on time
Get Assignment from the leader
- Be at assigned location prior to the event beginning
- Remain at assigned location until the action has passed
- Go to next location if assigned
Try to let the leader know when you leave
Post Shoot
- How to prepare your images taken at a charity shoot
- Sort through your images and remove any that are blurred, out of focus, or have improper exposure.
- Crop and straighten if necessary
- Resize your images to 3000 pixels on the long side.
- Re-name your images as follows: (eventname)-(firstname)_(lastname)-(original file suffix number).jpg such as xcharity-john_doe-54321.jpg
- Save as Jpeg files with a quality factor of 8 or 80 whichever your program allows
- Save as sRGB.
- Group all of your images of a similar subject together and save all of them together as a zip file with the same file naming conventions as above. (eventname)-(subject)-(firstname)_(lastname).zip such as
- Repeat for different subjects. There should be just a few groups (subjects) such as Pre-Race, Start, Finish, Vendors, and other special subjects.
- Then upload just the zip file.
How to Upload your images
Use WeTransfer.
Show the destination as (the exhibit leader's email address)