Nashville Photography Club ByLaws
Article I Purpose
The Nashville Photography Club shall be open to any person interested in photography. The Club shall provide a venue for the enjoyment of photography and the improvement of photographic skills.
The Nashville Photography Club is organized exclusively for educational purposes under Section501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Article II Annual Elections
Those holding office in the Club shall be elected for the coming year at the May Club meeting. A nominating committee shall be appointed by the Board in time for the slate to be distributed in the April newsletter. Election shall be by simple majority of Club members present and voting. Additional candidates for any office can be nominated from the floor. The members may choose to vote by voice, show of hands or secret ballot. The officers and board members will assume their duties at the July meeting.
Article III Dues and Club Year
Section 1
Dues shall be recommended annually by the Board of Directors and approved by the general membership. Payment to the Club Treasurer shall entitle full participation in Club activities and benefits. They shall be for individual or household membership and shall be paid in full no later than one month after their renewal month. For accounting and programming purposes, the Club year shall begin July 1 and end June 30.
Section 2
Each member pays dues annually according to his or her month of renewal.
Article IV Governing Board
Section 1
There shall be a Board giving direction to the Club. It shall authorize the disbursement of funds, provide for varied monthly programs of interest to photographers, arrange for pertinent exhibits of the work of Club members, distribute newsletters and in general conduct any other activities it deems necessary and proper for accomplishing the Club purpose. It is empowered to appoint committees to assist it in carrying out its duties. The Board shall meet no less than quarterly in a form and at a location determined by the Board. Additional meetings can be convened by the President or any two members of the Board.
Section 2
The Board shall prepare an annual budget reflecting the current dues structure and submit the same to the general membership for approval by the May meeting each year.
Section 3
The Board shall consist of 4 Members at Large plus 5 General Officers.
Section 4
The term of office of Board Members at Large shall be 2 years. Two persons will rotate off the board each year, unable to succeed themselves until they have been out of office at least one year.
Section 5
The President of the Club shall also serve as President of the Board. In this role, the President shall preside at meetings and in general keep the Board active and functioning. He/she shall be without vote unless to break a tie.
Section 6
The Board shall develop and maintain a written record of Club policies and procedures in a format determined by Board members. This information shall be communicated to the general membership by a method chosen by the Board. Quarterly meeting reports shall be posted on the Club website.
Section 7
No expenditure that exceeds $250 in one month shall be made without the express approval of the general membership.
Article V Place of Meeting
Whenever it becomes necessary to change the regular monthly place of meeting, the Board shall research options. These shall be presented to the general membership along with pertinent information. A decision shall be made by a simple majority of the general membership present and voting.
Article VI General Officers
Section 1
There shall be 5 Officers, elected to a 1 year term. They may be re-elected, except for the President, who is succeeded by the President-Elect.
Section 2
The President shall preside at both Board meetings and at any meeting of the general membership. He/she shall implement actions as directed by the Board or by general membership vote.
Section 3
The President-Elect shall agree to serve as President the year after his/her election. Meanwhile, he/she shall serve in the absence of the President and shall be responsible for providing the monthly programs, with the assistance of a committee either appointed by the Board or made up of volunteers.
Section 4
The Secretary’s primary responsibility is to maintain accurate written minutes of any business transacted by the Board or during a regular membership meeting. Beyond this, the Secretary performs secretarial functions as assigned. The Secretary shall maintain a copy of the Club by-laws.
Section 5
The Treasurer’s primary responsibility is to prepare and present to the Board for approval an annual budget, to receive and disburse funds, and to maintain accurate financial records. He/she shall report the financial status of the Club to the Board on a regular basis and to the general membership at least once a year.
The Assistant Treasurer’s primary responsibility is to assist the Treasurer’ with regular duties and serve as Treasurer’ in his/her absence.
Article VII Vacancies
Section 1
If the President is unable or unwilling to serve, the President-Elect shall assume that role, with a replacement for the President-Elect nominated by the Board and elected by simple majority vote of the membership at its next regular meeting.
Section 2
If a Board Member at Large is unable or unwilling to serve, a replacement is to be nominated by the board and elected by simple majority vote of the membership at its next regular meeting.
Section 3
If a General Officer other than the President is unable or unwilling to serve, the President shall obtain a volunteer to fill out the remainder of the term of office for that position.
Article VIII Changes to By-Laws
Proposed changes to the By-Laws are to be made by a 3 step process. First, proposed changes shall come before the Board for concurrence. Second, a clear explanation of the reason for the change and the change itself shall be published in the Club newsletter at least 30 days prior to a regular meeting of the Club. Third, the changes are to take effect immediately upon approval by a simple majority of members present and voting at a regular monthly meeting.
Article VIV Dissolution
Upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.
These bylaws are a revision of earlier bylaws as revised in a special club business meeting on June 16, 2015.t.